Ganadores 2ª edición del concurso de microrrelatos en inglés

Los ganadores del II concurso de microrrelatos en inglés celebrado el 25 de enero de 2019 con motivo de la festividad de Santo Tomás de Aquino son los siguientes:



Hi I´m Anna and I will tell you one of my favourite stories. Once upon a time I was i my bedroom waiting for my mom to call me , so I could  have breakfast but suddenly I saw a little light coming from out of my bedroom. So I decided to open my wardrobe. In the wardrobe I saw a picture of the forest. So I decided to look up at that picture. And suddenly, I jumped and found a key in front of me. I didn´t know for what it was so I decided to go and explore in my city for more clues. When I arrived I found a tiny door with the same type of light that she found on her wardrobe so she decided to open the door inside she found a magical kingdom where everything were made out of photographs . Sudenly, she found the same photo that was in her wardrobe so she decided to get that picture and go back home. But then, she realised she couldn´t leave!!!! because the only door was locked. So she remembered the key she had in her wardrobe; she unlocked the door and escaped!!!! Then she woke up and realised that her crazy adventure had been just a dream.



I look through my window and gaze into the dark endless sky. I´ve already done my homework and duties, Out of the blue, I hear an angelic melody which traps me into a deep dream.  I find myself lost, but the music is still there. I close my eyes, and listen carefully, first paying attention to the lowpitched notes, which help up the whole structure intensifying the vibrations. What would music be without them? What would I be without my family? They are my low notes. Then, I concentrate on the rest of notes which fill up the blank spaces between the bass and the melody. Those are my friends, who add exciting experiences to my life. Finally, the melody, which stands out the most and has more freedom. That would be me, I am the one in charge of my life, feelings, actions…and silence. An ineffable feeling takes control of me .What would music be without silence? What woud I be without this world?


She stood quietly by the railway on that moonless night, trying to keep the warmth inside her body with no success, as she was shivering violently. York´s train station was completely empty, and that lonliness made the cold grow on her soul. She was humming some music that had stick forever on her mind, while her fingers turned the pages of her homework so rapidly as if she wanted them to fly away with the wind and get lost in the deep darkness. Maybe then she would fail her exams and even stay at home instead of leaving York to go to Spain in order to study at some expensive college.But that wasthe best for her, wasn´t it? She wasn´t quite sure about taking this huge step. She was alright with her confy home, her unconditional friends and her life. The life she had always had. She tried to make her mind right there while she started hearing the distant whistle of the train. She intended to explain it to herself outloud, but it was ineffable even for her own mind to understand it.Onlly if she had someone to share the journey with…Anyone to throw some light into her thoughts, to help her and to be helped…Maybe the overwhelming pit wasn´t as wide and deep as she thought, maybe she coud beat the dificulties along the way. Why not? she thought, smiling.